Wednesday, January 26, 2005

heres a game of sorts

its time for some audience participation:
ask me anything....i will be honest in my answers


Anonymous said...

What are you waiting for?

coffee girl said...

hrm...well...thats a tough one...a few things? im waiting for a lot of things..and some of them are realy bad excuses....
i suppose i'm waiting on some clarity on what comes waiting on someone to call me to go dancing on a night im not scheduled to waiting on myself to get the guts courage and the financial push to go waiting on the next road trip to waiting for tomorrow night's mini road trip to see pedro the waiting on someone to walk into my life and for me to not b**ch at him when he's trying to be nice and get to know me...

two things i realy want to happen 1. i want to travel this country and a few others while its still within my own single financial bounds..but i dont want to realy go explore i need someone who can be free with me and pay for themselves..or if we're married we need to be at least set enough to not break our banks for the trip.
and 2. i'm waiting on that "or" part...the married part..i REALY badly want to have a home and a family and a husband and be a housewife who loves her kids and plays with them and teaches them and cooks for her family and cleans during the day while her husband is at work...yes..i want that...but i havent got the button to push to make that happen yet.

any other questions?

coffee girl said...

looking back at years ago younger got that 2nd one. and you are really swell at it :)still missing the "home" part of our own, but you'll get there again