Thursday, September 24, 2009

1st doctor visit

Monday morning we had our first visit with the new doctor. I am very happy with Dr. Irwin's helpful staff and friendliness! They were very focused on making sure all of our questions get answered...which is what they are supposed to be focused on! When we went in for the exam, since it looked on paper that we were right at ten weeks, the doctor began by listening for the baby's heartbeat. It was very nerve-wracking, because he hunted around for what felt like an eternity trying to find that little heartbeat. Without that heartbeat, the only proof I had thus far of being pregnant is my home pregnancy test and the obvious lack of cycle. A lot of what-ifs entered my mind in those few minutes as the doctor searched. He gave up on simply hearing the heartbeat and switched to the sonogram machine to find it...which was much quicker and with much releif, we got to see our tiny baby...whom we weren't supposed to get to see till another visit or two! Little Springstead does indeed have a healthy heartbeat, and we were told that it does look by size and everything to be exactly 10weeks, and everything appears to be going just fine. Praise God! Since this was not the scheduled sonogram, we didn't get any pictures of it. Honestly, it wasn't very clear for now rejoice with us that there is a healthy little baby being formed in our family and mark your calenders for April! The “due date” is April 19th.

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